Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Rainfall Report goes on leave until Spring!

Thanks to all who enjoyed sharing their rain guages.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Percipitation amounts by

Roy Ator west of Lipan reports:
0.40" yesterday + 0.15" overnight and 0.30" today = 0.85" for the period as of 6:30 pm Sunday.It has all been very light with the slow ground soaking benefit.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

More rain Saturday morning

Ator street got 0.75"

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Good Rain in the area - preliminary info

Weather Bug readings:
Granbury 0.69"
Stephenville 2.68"
Weatherford .04" ??
Lipan Pak-a-Sak: Consensus was that 0.6" to 1.0" fell in and around town.

Roy Ator reported 0.85" up on Tuggle Road.

In Grapevine, 1.6"